The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa are the guiding documents that together form the national curriculum for New Zealand schools. The New Zealand Curriculum provides the basis for the ongoing development of achievement standards and unit standards registered on the National Qualifications Framework, which are designed to lead to the award of qualifications in years 11–13. They know when it is appropriate to compete and when it is appropriate to co-operate.
Learning areasThe learning area statements describe the essential nature of each learning area, how it can contribute to a young person’s education, and how it is structured. Students learn most effectively when they develop the ability to stand back from the information or ideas that they have engaged with and think about these objectively. The education system in New Zealand is a three-tier model which includes primary and intermediate schools, followed by secondary schools (high schools) and tertiary education at universities and polytechnics.The academic year in New Zealand varies between institutions, but generally runs from early February until mid-December for primary schools, late January to late November or early … Students need to be challenged and supported to develop them in contexts that are increasingly wide-ranging and complex. New Zealand needs its young people to be skilled and educated, able to contribute fully to its well-being, and able to meet the changing needs of the workplace and the economy. Successful learners make use of the competencies in combination with all the other resources available to them. All learning should make use of the natural connections that exist between learning areas and that link learning areas to the values and key competencies. This competency is about being actively involved in communities. The National Curriculum is composed of The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa which set the direction for student learning and provide guidance for schools as they design and review their curriculum. The achievement objectives found in The New Zealand Curriculum set out selected learning processes, knowledge, and skills relative to eight levels of learning. By learning NZSL, hearing students are able to communicate with their deaf peers and participate in the deaf community. They encourage the making of connections across the learning areas, values, and key competencies, and they are relevant to students’ futures.
Reflective learners assimilate new learning, relate it to what they already know, adapt it for their own purposes, and translate thought into action. Following this review, Cabinet agreed that the national curriculum should be revised. Appropriate assessment helps the teacher to determine what “sufficient” opportunities mean for an individual student and to sequence students’ learning experiences over time.
Some characteristics of effective assessment. Teachers encourage such thinking when they design tasks and opportunities that require students to critically evaluate the material they use and consider the purposes for which it was originally created.
Like the key competencies, this learning is both end and means: valuable in itself and valuable for the pathways it opens to other learning. Some tertiary education focuses on the highly specific skills and discipline knowledge required, for example, by trades, ICT, and health professions. The image in the Vision section is used courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center © NASA.
Ko tōku nui, tōku wehi, tōku whakatiketike, tōku reo.
Ko te roimata, ko te hūpē te waiaroha. The New Zealand Curriculum identifies values to be encouraged and modelled and to be explored by students, key competencies that students will develop over time and in a range of settings, and learning areas that describe what they will come to know and do. These include personal goals, other people, community knowledge and values, cultural tools (language, symbols, and texts), and the knowledge and skills found in different learning areas. Through their learning experiences, students will learn about: Through their learning experiences, students will develop their ability to: All the values listed above can be expanded into clusters of related values that collectively suggest their fuller meanings. Many students do not, however, fit this pattern. Credits gained in this way can often be later transferred to tertiary qualifications.
This means that they need to encounter new learning a number of times and in a variety of different tasks or contexts. The New Zealand Curriculum, together with the Qualifications Framework, gives schools the flexibility to design and deliver programmes that will engage all students and offer them appropriate learning pathways. You can be proud of the part you have played in creating this sound framework for teaching and learning; a framework designed to ensure that all young New Zealanders are equipped with the knowledge, competencies, and values they will need to be successful citizens in the twenty-first century.
They look for opportunities to involve students directly in decisions relating to their own learning. Students learn most effectively when they understand what they are learning, why they are learning it, and how they will be able to use their new learning. It also means that when curriculum coverage and student understanding are in competition, the teacher may decide to cover less but cover it in greater depth. They recognise how choices of language, symbol, or text affect people’s understanding and the ways in which they respond to communications. Which sentence is in the regular past tense? These principles put students at the centre of teaching and learning, asserting that they should experience a curriculum that engages and challenges them, is forward-looking and inclusive, and affirms New Zealand’s unique identity. Please note the NZC has been provided in two parts: To order print copies of NZC, please phone 0800660662, Download the English translation of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa Whakapākehātanga, If you cannot view or read this diagram, select this link to open a text version, Resource bank: Vision, values and principles, Great expectations: Embedding a growth mindset in our school culture, Involving your community in curriculum design, Resource bank: Vision, values, and principles, make connections to prior learning and experience, provide sufficient opportunities to learn, inquire into the teaching–learning relationship, Values, key competencies, and learning areas. e kore tō tātou waka e ū ki uta. With appropriate teacher guidance and feedback, all students should develop strategies for self-monitoring and collaborative evaluation of their performance in relation to suitable criteria. Artistic excellence makes the world sit up in wonder. CoherenceThe curriculum offers all students a broad education that makes links within and across learning areas, provides for coherent transitions, and opens up pathways to further learning. It sets out values that are to be encouraged, modelled, and explored. Capitalising the names of people and pets, Capitalising the names of places and geographic features, Identify plurals, singular possessives and plural possessives, Choose between subject and object personal pronouns, Replace the singular noun with a personal pronoun, Replace the plural noun with a personal pronoun, Compound subjects and objects with "I" and "me", Choose between personal and reflexive pronouns. It is New Zealand’s first curriculum to be developed and written in te reo Māori and sets the direction for teaching and learning in Māori-medium schools and settings. Statement, question, command or exclamation? Teachers can help students to make connections across learning areas as well as to home practices and the wider world. All three may be studied as first or additional languages. The New Zealand Curriculum allows for greater choice and specialisation as students approach the end of their school years and as their ideas about future direction become clearer. The flexibility of the qualifications system also allows schools to keep assessment to levels that are manageable and reasonable for both students and teachers. This competency includes a capacity to contribute appropriately as a group member, to make connections with others, and to create opportunities for others in the group.
Māku e kī atu he tangata, he tangata, he tangata!
See The school curriculum: design and review for a discussion of purposeful assessment. Cultural diversityThe curriculum reflects New Zealand’s cultural diversity and values the histories and traditions of all its people. It reappears in this curriculum with a new look. My thanks go to all who have contributed to the development of The New Zealand Curriculum: members of the reference group, teachers, principals, school boards, parents, employer representatives, curriculum associations, education sector bodies, academics, and the wider community.
They then analyse and interpret the information to consider what they should do next.
Schools are required to base their curriculum on the principles of The New Zealand Curriculum, to encourage and model the values, and to develop the key competencies at all year levels.
The challenge now is to build on this framework, offering our young people the most effective and engaging teaching possible and supporting them to achieve to the highest of standards. The list is neither exhaustive nor exclusive. For example, "community and participation for the common good" is associated with values and notions such as peace, citizenship, and manaakitanga. Tertiary education builds on the values, competencies, discipline knowledge, and qualifications that students have developed or gained during their school years. Guidelines specific to the learning of te reo Māori and NZSL (published separately) provide detailed information for schools that choose to offer them.
Today, all school leavers, including those who go directly into paid employment, should take every opportunity to continue learning and developing their capabilities. Students who participate and contribute in communities have a sense of belonging and the confidence to participate within new contexts. 3.
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