Please support Ready Steady Cut today. The 10-episode first series was released on Netflix on 15 May 2020. Zoe's emotional state drives her to impulsive decisions. When David hosts a reunion dinner with the crew, old tensions boil over, pushing Marcus to the brink. [1] In August 2020, the series was cancelled after one season. The strain on Zoe's marriage intensifies. After suffering yet another loss, Zoe vows to finally figure out who killed Axel. Hurtful revelations and a brutal injury create fractures within the Calafat family. White Lines Season 1, Episode 4 has a last-minute note of tragedy, as Andreu is T-boned by a truck after having been suspiciously stopped on the highway. White Lines. Meanwhile, Oriol's attempts to be able to communicate better with his family are ruined by excessive honesty. Andreu has an important announcement to make during a tense business meeting. After yet another loss, Zoe tries to find out who killed Axel once and for all. During a dinner meeting organized by David to honor Axel, old tension resurrect, ultimately causing Marcus to snap. Release year: 2020. Secure its future — we need you! You can check out our thoughts on the previous episode by clicking these words. A suburban mother of two takes a fantasy-charged trip down memory lane that sets her very married present on a collision course with her wild-child past. Zoe Walker leaves her quiet life behind to investigate her brother's disappearance in Ibiza, where she quickly heads down a decadent and dangerous path. At a contentious board meeting, Andreu makes a big announcement. Erscheinungsjahr: 2020. Zoe Walker kehrt ihrem beschaulichen Leben den Rücken, um auf Ibiza das Verschwinden ihres Bruders aufzuklären – ein gefährliches Unterfangen. Oriol pushes hard for closure on Axel's murder. Zoe's emotional state drives her to make some impulsive decisions. Meanwhile, Marcus' mistakes from the past finally come back to haunt him. The discovery of a body believed to be her brother leads Zoe Walker to Ibiza, where she reconnects with his old friend Marcus, a DJ and drug dealer. 1. Zoe's trial day finally arrives. … White Lines is a British-Spanish mystery thriller web television series created by Álex Pina. Zoe embarks on another frantic search. Clint crosses the line when making his own investigation of Axel's murder. Check out the episode guide. David hits a snag in his efforts to help Oriol with psychedelics. 穏やかな生活を捨て、兄の失踪事件の真相を追うためにイビサ島を訪れたゾーイ・ウォーカーは、瞬く間に、快楽的で退廃的な危ない世界へと引きずり込まれていく。, 兄のものと思われる遺体が発見され、イビサへと向かったゾーイは、DJでありヤクの売人でもある兄の古い友人マーカスと再会する。, アクセルの追悼式の後、真相をつかめず苛立つゾーイは、マーカスを白状させようと大胆な行動に出る。アンドレウが悲しみに暮れる中、キカが帰宅する。, ゾーイとボクサーが警察といざこざを起こす。2人のせいで、マーカスが大変な事態に陥る。アクセルの殺人事件に決着をつけようと焦るオリオル。, オリオルがクリストバルを攻撃したことで、カラファト家とマルティネス家の対立が再燃する。意外な人物が、ゾーイを訪ねてイビサにやって来る。, ショッキングな告白に動揺し、大事故に見舞われたカラファト家に亀裂が生じる。感情的になったゾーイが、衝撃的な行動を取る。, アクセルの危険な一面を知ったゾーイは、面倒な問題を抱えるマーカスに手を貸す。険悪な雰囲気に包まれる幹部会議で、重大発表をするアンドレウ。, ゾーイと夫の間の溝は深まるばかり。デヴィッドが催した同窓会で、それぞれが抑えていた感情があふれ出し、マーカスが限界まで追い詰められる。, 家族の間で腹を割って話し合いたいと言うオリオルの提案により、思いもよらない真実が明らかになる。新たな問題が起こり、必死の捜索を行うゾーイ。, ゾーイの裁判が始まる。デヴィッドが幻覚剤でオリオルを助けようとしたことで、大事件が起こる。捜査に必死になり過ぎて、一線を越えるクリント。, アナの結婚式の日、再びトラブルに見舞われるマーカス。大切な人を失ったゾーイは、誰がアクセルを殺したのかを突き止めるため思い切った行動に出る。, 数々の賞を受賞した犯罪ドラマ「ペーパー・ハウス」のクリエイター、アレックス・ピナが手がけるシリーズ。, 古代ギリシャの平民へロンは、自分がゼウスの血を引く息子であることを知る。そして、自分には、大群で襲い来る悪魔から世界を救う使命が託されていることも。, 1927年。シカゴの録音スタジオで、"ブルースの母"と呼ばれた草分け的な歌手とバンドメンバーたちの想いが熱くぶつかる。オーガスト・ウィルソンの戯曲を映画化。, 連絡を受け、アパラチア山脈の田舎に帰郷したイェール大学ロースクールの学生は、家族と過ごした日々と自分の将来に思いをはせる。原作はベストセラー回顧録。, イタリアでシチリア人男性と出会い、恋に落ち、そしてつらい別れを味わったアメリカ人女性の激しく切ない体験を描く。原作はテンビ・ロックのベストセラー回顧録。. Meanwhile, Marcus' mistakes from the past finally come back to haunt him. Dort trifft sie auf dessen alten Freund Marcus, einen DJ und Drogendealer. This surreal animated anthology series follows three generations of families who inhabit the same otherworldly house. 2.
Zoe and Boxer run into trouble with the police, but their actions spark even bigger problems for Marcus. David's efforts to help Oriol with psychedelics go awry. Zoe Walker macht sich auf den Weg nach Ibiza, wo die Leiche ihres Bruders gefunden wurde. Tensions between the Calafat and Martínez families reignite in the wake of Oriol's ambush on Cristóbal. Zoe discovers Axel's dark side and helps Marcus with a serious situation. The discovery of a body believed to be her brother leads Zoe Walker to Ibiza, where she reconnects with his old friend Marcus, a DJ and drug dealer. Zoe Walker leaves her quiet life behind to investigate her brother's disappearance in Ibiza, where she quickly heads down a decadent and dangerous path. Kika returns home when Andreu suffers a loss. Zoe and Boxer run into trouble with the police, but their actions spark even bigger problems for Marcus. Folge 1 56 Min. Clint's investigative tactics cross a line. Episode 1 56m. 2. After yet another loss, Zoe tries to find out who killed Axel once and for all. Check out our spoiler-free season review. White Lines ist eine Netflix-Serie, in der die Leiche eines legendären DJs aus Manchester zwanzig Jahre nach seinem mysteriösen Verschwinden aus Ibiza gefunden wird. After Axel's memorial service, a frustrated Zoe makes a bold move to force Marcus to come clean. A young newlywed moves to her husband's imposing estate, where she must contend with his sinister housekeeper and the haunting shadow of his late wife. Twenty years after witnessing a bus full of students disappear, Astrid runs into a man she recognizes as one of the victims and begins to investigate. Episode 2 56m. Season 1. Zoe learns about Axel's darker side, then helps Marcus with a messy situation. Kika returns home when Andreu suffers a loss. From Álex Pina, creator of the award-winning crime drama "Money Heist.".
Based on Harlan Coben's novel. This recap of White Lines season 1, episode 6, contains spoilers. Ten years ago, he lost two loved ones. Zoe sets off to another desperate quest. As monsters emerge from the sea to attack Earth, humanity fights back using giant robot warriors in this anime adaptation of the blockbuster film. Oriol's attempts to forge better communication within his family yield more honesty than expected. Oriol pushes hard for closure on Axel's murder. After Axel's memorial service, a frustrated Zoe makes a bold move to force Marcus to come clean. Zoe gets a surprise visitor in Ibiza.
Meanwhile, Zoe's marriage begins being put to the test. We are fast becoming the number one independent website for streaming coverage. Tensions between the Calafat and Martínez families erupt as a result of Oriol's ambush on Cristóbal; Zoe receives a surprise visitor in Ibiza. On Anna's wedding day, Marcus's actions come back to haunt him. The Calafats are hit with some painful revelations and a serious injury. Season 1 White Lines Critics Consensus. Staffel 1. A tasty, self-indulgent tangle of mystery, White Lines is a sight to behold -- even if there's not much below … The discovery of a body believed to be her brother leads Zoe Walker to Ibiza, where she reconnects with his old friend Marcus, a DJ and drug dealer. 1. Zoe’s trial date arrives. In this thriller series, eight different points of view provide tantalizing clues to the perpetrator of a gruesome crime fueled by social media. When his fiancée disappears, he must uncover buried secrets — or lose everything. Episodes White Lines. Become a Patron!
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