He’s a hard person to beat in a fight. then thor better step up his game, because of late he has been getting trapped and knocked around, while beings like hyperion come in to save the day lol.... Hulk doesn't have any weaknesses, not even absorbing his powers.

While he hasn’t changed in the MCU, from his traditional green to bright red, he’s switched quite a few times in comics. When his cousin, Jennifer Walters, was hurt, he gave her some of his blood and accidentally turned her into the She-Hulk.

She’s been taken by villains in the hopes Hulk would come after her and their wedding day was even crashed by one of his enemies, the Leader. As Hulk sleeps, he dreams of a perfect life -- but a malfunction in the program keeping him asleep and at peace starts to shatter his dream world. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Bruce Banner and his alter ego the Hulk aren't known to have many weaknesses. In Maestro #1, the Hulk shows why his biggest weakness in the Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn't work in comics.

I wonder how badass he was when he got knocked out by a wall of bricks falling on his head. However, those attempts usually don’t end very well for the people with psychic powers.

@theacidskull: That whole Mini Event with the Xmen, hUlk, and Sp0ck revealed it to be puppies :P. Hulk doesn't really have a weakness as such, he just can be beaten by characters of sufficient power. Share Share Tweet Email. In the MCU, Bruce Banner makes a heartbreaking announcement that he has tried to take his own life many times but none of his methods have worked. Supposedly, the hero can leap entire continents and launch himself up and out of Earth’s atmosphere.

He’s a hard person to beat in a fight.

The green goliath does more than simply smash.

The Incredible Hulks weakness is Betty Ross since Bruce Banner shows affection to Betty It effects the Hulk making him transform into Bruce because when the Hulk sees Betty it calms the hulk… Of course, there is no shaking the unstoppable confidence of a big green doofus.

A feat that no character can do. While fans of the MCU are aware that both Hulk and Bruce Banner’s personalities exist in the same body, a lot aren’t aware that he has, Part of Hulk’s immortality can be attributed to another of his abilities. He once lifted it. He’s one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, after all. His blood replenished the once-dormant world and was regarded as the planet’s savior.

Hulk seems invincible in battle because his body will heal whatever injuries he receives, much like Wolverine. Surprisingly, a flower sprouted from that exact spot it landed. He has the power of regeneration. In another comic, he merely dreams about lifting the hammer, but he’s still shown wielding it. He’s even known as “Hipster Hulk” among his fans. With CBR, he has been able to write about his favorite subjects, from the MCU to Doctor Who. Three days would suffer Hulk with strength and healing power diminished, until it would eventually rescued. WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Maestro #1 by Peter David, German Peralta, Jesus Aburtov, Dale Keown, Jason Keith and VC's Ariana Maher, on sale now. .

And when the Hulk is awake, it takes a Thanos-level threat to really do damage, especially since he gets stronger as he gets angrier. The Hulk is obviously fueled by anger and rage, but those aren’t the only emotions he feels. Brian was an abusive alcoholic who ended up beating Bruce’s mother so badly she perished, and young Bruce watched it happen. Because the universe is infinite. Ignoring the power of the King of the Seas Poseidon, the Arrows of Artemis goddess of the hunt, the extreme cold of Boreas, and the scorching heat of Apollo would attack with the power of the sun! Typically, Bruce Banner and The Hulk are two completely different people. The Hulk’s had his fair share of beatings and close calls over the years. Flames don’t even burn his skin. KEEP READING: The Hulk's Greatest Enemies Are Teaming Up.

Fire simply can’t harm The Hulk.

Hulk has been able to lift it in the past. These jumps are so massive that they’ve been known to create earthquakes and craters when he finally lands. He’s even known as “Hipster Hulk” among his fans. His father, Brian Banner, is one of his biggest weaknesses. The Pale Green Hulk was both angry and smart, a combo of the tradition Green and the sneaky Gray. I really don't see WBH being that much more of a challenge as to being drained, especially when Hulk had the help of the Warbound in surprising Surfer on Planet Hulk.

WBH is a completely different Hulk in both mindset and power and i doubt he would get scarred from Surfer or get absorbed that easily.

We must understand that Zeus to realize that Hulk was seen very easily indifferent to the powers of gods and brothers Zeus.

He can be crushed by buildings and fall from space and survive, and this durability also includes fire resistance. Fans finally saw this combination from the comics come to life in the MCU in Avengers: Endgame. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. The Marvel Universe is littered with people with psychic abilities. I don’t think so. After he perished, Amadeus Cho emerged as the new Hulk after absorbing large amounts of gamma radiation. But other then that he has no weakness. Hercules explains that when he recreated the universe was guided by a higher wisdom, and that if things were recreated so, it was because it had to be. Yes and no, it all depends on the writer. All characters have a …

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But as it turns out, this tactic has literally no effect on the Hulk in the comics, as a vision in Maestro #1 reveals. The Silver Surfer, however, could match the hero in a physical fight.

Eventually, everything starts crumbling around him, and he starts to see the digital cracks of his reality. 1 Takes an Academic Approach to Monsters, An Avenger Just Revealed His True Purpose - and It's TERRIFYING, Justice League: A Forgotten Villain Has Been Hiding in Gotham for Years, Batman: How Killer Croc Evolved Into Gotham's Biggest Monster, Wolverine: Why Logan and Storm Should Be Together Right Now, Future State's Green Lantern Puts John Stewart Back in the Spotlight, The Flash Loses an Iconic Part of His Comic Book Mythos (Preview), Marvel's MOST FORGOTTEN Hulk Makes Surprising Reappearances. Maestro #1 takes place in a future Marvel timeline, and the series is meant to serve as an origin story for the Maestro, the tyrannical alternate version of the Hulk from a dark future timeline.

Radiation bombardment used to be a weakness, but appearently that ain't no problem for him no more. Of course, there are always loopholes when it comes to Mjolnir. Typically, a superhero’s love interest is also his or her weakness. A one-stop shop for all things video games. WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Maestro #1 by Peter David, German Peralta, Jesus Aburtov, Dale Keown, Jason Keith and VC's Ariana Maher, on sale now.

The character first appeared 1962 in. All that, but fans still haven’t seen all he can do. It worked because the two had a connection, and Black Widow knew how to get across to both Hulk and Banner because of it. The Human Torch himself attacked Hulk with his fire and it didn’t leave a single scratch. He’s been to different planets, had different family members, and gained and lost intelligence among other things. This power is quite beneficial to the Avengers. Part of Hulk’s immortality is his ability to heal himself. Super-breath may not sound like the most glamorous power in the world, but it certainly comes in handy. He has the ability to manipulate radiation to his advantage. He can pick and choose how much radiation his body expels and can essentially be used as a living battery. Wolverine has plenty of the metal in his body and has used it against Hulk before.

It just means that because of their powers and settings they have more potential to face and encounter galaxy level threats than someone who can't even fly and is stuck 90% of the time on planet Earth. If you have problem with Loeb and his BS address it to him and not me.

Natasha looks at Hulk and says: "The sun's getting reeeal low..." in a further attempt to calm him down. To continue this would derail the thread but here you go: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CC8QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.comicvine.com%2Fforums%2Fbattles-7%2Fcav-comicstooge-cyborg-superman-vs-lvenger-ss-1480130%2F&ei=qViLUsu6B4eShgf9zoEg&usg=AFQjCNFPrz-C3WAbpPtrcwAeDEBbOFba7Q&sig2=QCa-4BB8JQwuAxqrAkDqZw&bvm=bv.56643336,d.ZG4. As the situation worsens, a classic roster of Avengers show up, which includes, among others, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Thor and Black Widow. Anyway Hulk is an infinite well of energy so WBH may be too much for even Surfer to drain that is my personal opinion you can either take it or you don't. This mental exertion requires him to eat a ton of food in order to balance out the calories his mind uses. In Maestro #1, the Hulk shows why his biggest weakness in the Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn't work in comics. He also feels sadness and it’s one of his weaknesses. While everyone knows Hulk is a giant, green, rage monster, there are a few powers people don’t expect him to possess.

He’s a hard person to beat in a fight. then thor better step up his game, because of late he has been getting trapped and knocked around, while beings like hyperion come in to save the day lol.... Hulk doesn't have any weaknesses, not even absorbing his powers.

While he hasn’t changed in the MCU, from his traditional green to bright red, he’s switched quite a few times in comics. When his cousin, Jennifer Walters, was hurt, he gave her some of his blood and accidentally turned her into the She-Hulk.

She’s been taken by villains in the hopes Hulk would come after her and their wedding day was even crashed by one of his enemies, the Leader. As Hulk sleeps, he dreams of a perfect life -- but a malfunction in the program keeping him asleep and at peace starts to shatter his dream world. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Bruce Banner and his alter ego the Hulk aren't known to have many weaknesses. In Maestro #1, the Hulk shows why his biggest weakness in the Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn't work in comics.

I wonder how badass he was when he got knocked out by a wall of bricks falling on his head. However, those attempts usually don’t end very well for the people with psychic powers.

@theacidskull: That whole Mini Event with the Xmen, hUlk, and Sp0ck revealed it to be puppies :P. Hulk doesn't really have a weakness as such, he just can be beaten by characters of sufficient power. Share Share Tweet Email. In the MCU, Bruce Banner makes a heartbreaking announcement that he has tried to take his own life many times but none of his methods have worked. Supposedly, the hero can leap entire continents and launch himself up and out of Earth’s atmosphere.

He’s a hard person to beat in a fight.

The green goliath does more than simply smash.

The Incredible Hulks weakness is Betty Ross since Bruce Banner shows affection to Betty It effects the Hulk making him transform into Bruce because when the Hulk sees Betty it calms the hulk… Of course, there is no shaking the unstoppable confidence of a big green doofus.

A feat that no character can do. While fans of the MCU are aware that both Hulk and Bruce Banner’s personalities exist in the same body, a lot aren’t aware that he has, Part of Hulk’s immortality can be attributed to another of his abilities. He once lifted it. He’s one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, after all. His blood replenished the once-dormant world and was regarded as the planet’s savior.

Hulk seems invincible in battle because his body will heal whatever injuries he receives, much like Wolverine. Surprisingly, a flower sprouted from that exact spot it landed. He has the power of regeneration. In another comic, he merely dreams about lifting the hammer, but he’s still shown wielding it. He’s even known as “Hipster Hulk” among his fans. With CBR, he has been able to write about his favorite subjects, from the MCU to Doctor Who. Three days would suffer Hulk with strength and healing power diminished, until it would eventually rescued. WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Maestro #1 by Peter David, German Peralta, Jesus Aburtov, Dale Keown, Jason Keith and VC's Ariana Maher, on sale now. .

And when the Hulk is awake, it takes a Thanos-level threat to really do damage, especially since he gets stronger as he gets angrier. The Hulk is obviously fueled by anger and rage, but those aren’t the only emotions he feels. Brian was an abusive alcoholic who ended up beating Bruce’s mother so badly she perished, and young Bruce watched it happen. Because the universe is infinite. Ignoring the power of the King of the Seas Poseidon, the Arrows of Artemis goddess of the hunt, the extreme cold of Boreas, and the scorching heat of Apollo would attack with the power of the sun! Typically, Bruce Banner and The Hulk are two completely different people. The Hulk’s had his fair share of beatings and close calls over the years. Flames don’t even burn his skin. KEEP READING: The Hulk's Greatest Enemies Are Teaming Up.

Fire simply can’t harm The Hulk.

Hulk has been able to lift it in the past. These jumps are so massive that they’ve been known to create earthquakes and craters when he finally lands. He’s even known as “Hipster Hulk” among his fans. His father, Brian Banner, is one of his biggest weaknesses. The Pale Green Hulk was both angry and smart, a combo of the tradition Green and the sneaky Gray. I really don't see WBH being that much more of a challenge as to being drained, especially when Hulk had the help of the Warbound in surprising Surfer on Planet Hulk.

WBH is a completely different Hulk in both mindset and power and i doubt he would get scarred from Surfer or get absorbed that easily.

We must understand that Zeus to realize that Hulk was seen very easily indifferent to the powers of gods and brothers Zeus.

He can be crushed by buildings and fall from space and survive, and this durability also includes fire resistance. Fans finally saw this combination from the comics come to life in the MCU in Avengers: Endgame. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. The Marvel Universe is littered with people with psychic abilities. I don’t think so. After he perished, Amadeus Cho emerged as the new Hulk after absorbing large amounts of gamma radiation. But other then that he has no weakness. Hercules explains that when he recreated the universe was guided by a higher wisdom, and that if things were recreated so, it was because it had to be. Yes and no, it all depends on the writer. All characters have a …

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